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Montana Mule Deer Hunt

Our friend George H. shows off a fantastic mule deer he took in Montana this year with a Nightforce riflescope:

George's mule deer in Montana!

Taken at over 600 yards, this trophy was harvested using a Nightforce NXS 5.5-22x56 riflescope. In George's own words:

Went to Montana last month for long range mule deer hunt. Found my deer but only 200 yds with a doe. Told guides I wanted a 600 yd shot. They were quite upset. Moved to 500 yards, then they bedded down. After 2 hrs, ate lunch and then he was up at 601 yd one shot with 300WM 190 Berger VLD. Very proud. Ross Childers in Brussett, MT.

Strong work, George, and thank you for sharing!

Comments (5) -

  • William Feldner

    6/6/2017 9:06:44 AM | Reply

    That deer deserved a humane quick end to its life.  You should have taken the 200 yard shot.  It is quite possible that you could have missed the kill zone and wounded this magnificent animal.  Maybe you should just practice on metal targets at that extended range.  

  • Brian Wood

    6/6/2017 9:21:47 AM | Reply


    What makes you think that the animal didn't receive a humane quick end?

    I've taken countless animals at that range, and all died quickly. That includes one that was wounded (but not killed) by Joe Blow close range hunter, and another that was wounded THREE times!

    The number displayed in the range finder isn't the issue. The issue is taking shots that aren't guaranteed (or very very high probability). For some this is under 50 yards. For some it's past 600.

    I've seen far more poor hits from hunters who take standing shots at fleeing game than prone shots at stationary, distant game.

  • Jason Keim

    6/6/2017 8:13:45 PM | Reply


    600 yards is a chip shot to the hunter/shooter that has a custom rifle and practices regularly and/or competes in long range matches.  Even with a fair amount of wind, a 4" group at 600 yards is very attainable with a 300 WM.  

    There are hunters who go to the range once a year and are thrilled to put 3 rounds on a paper plate at 100 yards, but there are some of us who are upset if we can't put 3 rounds touching.  What's important is the whole story; is he using a custom rifle, a regular and proficient shooter, etc.

    Honestly, I've shot game at 775 yards, one shot kill, fun stuff like that.  Waiting for something to move away from me makes no sense at all, but I'm not going to call anyone with the right skill and gear unethical for making a 600 yard shot.  


  • Klem

    6/8/2017 11:47:28 PM | Reply

    I don't think the issue is he took a 600 yards shot, it is that he FIRST had a better shot (ie less risk to wounding the dear) at 200 yards.

    In my view he was "testing" himself/his system or wanting something to brag about with his buddies and that is the problem.  If his only opportunity to land that buck was at 600 or even a 1000 yards and he had the skill and gear to do so...no problem.

  • Brian Wood

    6/9/2017 8:35:50 AM | Reply


    Why would you assume he was "testing" himself or his system? Isn't it more reasonable to assume he tested himself and his system several times before he went on the hunt? The fact that he made the shot tells us that's a much more likely thing to assume.

    Was the longer shot so he could check an achievement off his bucket list and share the story of that adventure with his buddies? Yes, probably.

    Why do you have a problem with that? Given the opportunity, 9 out of 10 hunters will shoot an animal with larger antlers rather than smaller ones, even though it's well known that younger animals are better for eating. Why? To show and tell their buddies.

    If hunting was all about guaranteeing a perfect kill, we would raise the animal in a pen and have the vet come put it down. It isn't. We hunt for a great variety of reasons, and one, historically and culturally, has always been to prove our abilities.

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